Built-in Math Functions

Python provides a number of important built-in functions that we can use without needing to provide the function definition. In this section, we will learn about some of the built-in math functions using that you can perform mathematical tasks on numbers.

The max() and min() functions give us the largest and smallest values in a list, respectively:

x = min(20, 10, 50, 25)		#x = 10
y = max(20, 10, 50, 25)		#y = 50

The abs() function give us the absolute(positive) value of number:

x = abs(-34)		         #x = 34
y = abs(90)			         #y = 90

The pow(a, b) function give us the value of a raised to the power of b (ab):

x = pow(3,4)		        #x = 81


Let’s put it all together! Let’s see if we can create a program that takes 5 numbers from the user and prints the value of minimum of those numbers raised to the power of maximum. For example, given the number 2,7,4,11,9, return 211. Bonus points if you can break it into functions!