Python: Basics

Workshop Resources


Welcome to the course Python: Basics, where you will learn a widely-used, high-level programming language that gives computer instructions to create exciting programs!

Python is a high-level programming language created by Guido van Rossum between 1985-1990.

A high-level programming language is called high-level because it is quite a few steps away from the original code run on a computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). High-level code is meant to be used by humans and is much easier to understand than low-level code. The high-level code is later translated into a low-level language, which can only be perceived and run by a specific CPU. For the code to work, every single line of code written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language before being implemented by the computer.

Today, Python is used by developers all over the world. Specifically, Python is used for developing websites, software components and applications, or to work with Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies.

And, in this course, we will cover all the basic features of the language.

If at any time you get stuck or run into problems, access the Help, I am stuck! page for some quick tips and fixes to common mistakes.
