Activity 2: Threat Intel Game

What is Attribution?

One key topic in the world of cybersecurity you’ll come across is called attribution. Attribution in cybersecurity refers to the process of tracking, identifying, and generally attributing blame on the perpetrator of a cyber attack. Cyber attacks, also known commonly as hacking, are an attempt by an adversary to gain access to systems for the purpose of altering, stealing, destroying, or exposing information. Examples of methods to carry out a cyber attack include:

Challenges to Attribution

Although it is a key part of cybersecurity, attribution can be challenging to do, even for cybersecurity experts. Experts often must conduct extensive forensic investigations and analyze lots of data looking for ways to prove who could be responsible for attacks. Some things experts look at to help with this are:

The difficulty level of cyber attribution makes it an attractive method of attack for groups with the knowledge, resources, and motivation to attempt it while hiding traces of their involvement. With that in mind, our mission is to help raise the next generation of Cyber Defenders to combat cyber attacks. As difficult as it can be, this type of work has real world impact. Check this story below that demonstrates the level of impact Cyber Defenders can have:

Classifications of Adversaries

There are 3 main categories we use to classify adversaries: hacktivists, cyber criminals, and nation sponsored actors.

Hacktivists are people who aren’t affiliated with a specific government and they’re not in it for money typically. They believe passionately in some sort of ideal and use cyber attacks to further their mission. Key Traits

Cyber criminals are hacking with the main motivation of financial gain. Key Traits

Nation Sponsored are actors operating on behalf of their government. Many governments financially support and direct cyber groups to hack in line with the government’s goals which could be political, financial, defense related, etc.

It’s time to play a game of Whodunit, where we throw out some scenarios and you try to your hand at attribution!

Question 1:


Which type of adversary do you think did it?

A. Hacktivist
B. Cyber Criminal
C. Nation Sponsored

Question 2:


Which type of adversary do you think did it?

A. Hacktivist
B. Cyber Criminal
C. Nation Sponsored

Question 3:


Which type of adversary do you think did it?

A. Hacktivist
B. Cyber Criminal
C. Nation Sponsored