Exercise 1 - Binary Tree Implementation

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The binary tree is one of the simplest data structures in computer science and the ideas it uses are very useful. It stores sortable data and boasts an optimal runtime of O(log n) for searching, adding, and removing elements. However, this performance depends heavily on the order in which elements are added or removed, which limits its use to academic discussion.

The Theory

A binary tree consists of many nodes that are linked together. Each node has a parent nodes, or its predecessor, and up to two children nodes. A node that has no children is called a leaf.

In a rooted binary tree, one node is specified as a root, meaning it has no parent. In the diagram below, node A is the parent of nodes B and C. Likewise, B is the parent of D and E. A is the root, and D, E, F and G are leaves.

Binary Tree Basics

The binary tree is a recursive data structure. Each node can contain 0-2 children, and 1 parent. We can limit ourselves to looking at a specific subtree of the original binary tree without worrying too much about the entire tree as a whole, and that subtree is a valid binary tree on its own.

Using the Binary Tree

We can use a binary tree to store information about a list’s ordering. Each node can store one value, and its children must be ordered as follows:

The following diagram shows an example binary tree. Notice that the left children are all smaller than its parent, while the right children are larger. Besides this tree ordering property, can see that there is no strict requirement on the shape of the tree.

Binary Tree Example 1

Adding to a Binary Tree

To add an element, we need to find where it fits in the tree. To do this, we will perform a tree traversal. The idea is to move from node to node until we find a “spot” for the element we want to add. First, we start at the root. We then compare the value at the root with the element to add. If the element is larger, move to the right child. Otherwise, move to the left.

We can repeat this process again, until we find a node that can be the new element’s parent. The diagram below illustrates adding 7 to a binary tree.

Binary Tree Add

  1. In step 1 (blue), we compare 10 and 7. Since 7 < 10, we proceed down the left child.
  2. In step 2 (green), we compare 5 and 7. 7 > 5, so we proceed down its right child, only to find that 5 has no right child! Thus, we can insert 7 into that spot.

Removing from a Binary Tree

To remove an element, it’s a bit more tricky. We first need to find the element that we are removing. However, once we remove it we’ll need to fill in the “hole” that we’ve made in the tree. We can’t just fill in the hole with any plain element; we need to maintain the binary tree ordering property. A convenient element to take is the deepest, leftmost element from the hole’s right subtree.

The diagram below shows how to remove elements in several cases. Dotted lines indicate that the connection may or maynot exist. So in case 2 for instance, the blue parent might not exist if the node to remove is the root of the tree.

Binary Tree Removal

The third case is tricky to get correct because of the number of edge cases that exist. For instance, the smallest value of the right subtree could be the right child itself. Or, the min child could contain no right child.

The Implementation

At the Nuevo team, we’ve created an implementation for the binary tree. However, the programmer was sloppy and didn’t check their work, so there are errors and bugs! For this exercise, you will fix those bugs and errors. Your goal is to have all tests pass.

Let’s take a look at what the existing code is doing. First, the binary tree data structure is defined in the binary_tree.h file. It can be referenced as a type called BinaryTree. The data is stored within a type called a BTNode, which represents a binary tree node.

The tree itself contains a sentinel node, which makes other tree operations easier to handle. To get the actual root of the tree, we need to reference the left child of the sentinel. Thus, the root’s parent is the sentinel node, rather than NULL.

Implementation Data Structures

Using a sentinel lets us not worry about operations that involve updating the parent. For instance, if we remove a node, we would need to update both the parent pointer’s child node and the child node’s parent pointer. With a sentinel, we wouldn’t worry about the parent pointer being NULL. This leads to a point of confusion - the name of the sentinel is __root in BinaryTree! Seems like the programmer wasn’t paying attention when they wrote it…

Each node is allocated on the heap using malloc, so you’ll need to make sure that there are no memory leaks!

Tree operations are defined in binary_tree.h too. If you are unsure of what a tree operation does, make sure to read its description there. We’ll also include some reference pictures below.

There are multiple correct ways to implement treeRemove. Our tests will not discriminate between different (correct) ways of implementing the behavior. As long as the binary tree property is satisfied, it should work. The implementation we have uses a findMin operation, which essentially looks for the smallest element in the binary tree. In other words, the bottom leftmost node on the tree.

Once again, the implementation does not need to handle duplicates within the tree. Addition, it does not need to implement any of the tree print functions.

Good luck!

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