C#: Basics

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Welcome to the course C#: Basics, where you will learn a widely-used, high-level programming language that gives computer instructions to create exciting programs!

The C# programming language was designed by Anders Hejlsberg from Microsoft in 2000. At the time this course was designed the most recent stable version of the language is C# 11.0, released in 2022.

A high-level programming language is called high-level because it is quite a few steps away from the original code run on a computer’s Central Processing Unit (CPU). High-level code is meant to be used by humans and is much easier to understand than low-level code. The high-level code is later translated into a low-level language, which can only be perceived and run by a specific CPU. For the code to work, every single line of code written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language before being implemented by the computer.

C# is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, along with Java, JavaScript, Python and others. C# runs on Windows and various Linux operating systems.
